Day 11

Day 11 and 4 of the pups have exceeded 1 kilo! They were all born between 430 and 485 grams - so they are now more than twice the size. They are all doing really well, getting more demanding by the day! But still no eyes open...we have to be patient! 

Poppy is doing a great job, it's hard work keeping those hungry puppies fed and watered - her diet is now so varied, it includes cooked sweet potatoes for extra vitamines, and salmon! She eats like a queen, which is only natural for a mother to 8 royals!

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Comments: 2
  • #1 (Wednesday, 24 June 2020 17:20)

    Lovely to read you dear Penny
    Hugs for you and Pops and oups ���

  • #2

    Marijke (Wednesday, 24 June 2020 17:21)
