Gestation period of a flat coat – only 63 days!
When a dog becomes pregnant, the embryos start to travel through the uterine horn at around day 7. By day 16, the embryos embed in the uterine lining, and by day 22,
the fetuses begin to form. From about day 28 to day 30, a vet will be able to see the heartbeats of the fetuses with an ultrasound.
The puppies’ eyelids start to form around day 32. Toes form around day 35, claws come in around day 40, and the coat and skeleton come in by around day 45. After day
50, a veterinarian can perform an x-ray to see the puppies’ skeletons and form an accurate count of how many to expect in the litter.
By around day 58, the puppies should be completely formed, and the mother dog will start looking for a place to nest and give birth. Labour should begin within the
next 3 to 4 days.